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How many sets of teeth do dogs have?

As a pet parent, it is important to monitor your dog's teeth because oral health issues are fairly common in dogs over the age of three. Our veterinarians in Ketchum are here to inform you about the number of teeth your dog should have, why they might be losing teeth, and why regular teeth cleanings are required.

How many teeth do dogs have?

The number of teeth in a dog’s mouth will vary based on your dog's age. For example, a puppy will have fewer teeth than an adult dog.

Puppy Teeth

Puppies are born toothless, and their puppy teeth do not appear until they are three or four months old. By the time they are three to five months of age, they should have all 28 puppy teeth, including incisors, canines, and premolars.

Adult Teeth

A dog's adult teeth erupt between three and seven months of age. Adult dogs should have 42 permanent teeth, compared to humans, who have 32 teeth. 

Their upper jaw has 20 teeth, while their lower jaw has 22 teeth. 

Types of Teeth in Dogs

Each type of tooth a dog has—incisor, canine, premolar, and molar—serves its own purpose. Here is what each type of tooth does and where these teeth are located in your dog's mouth:


What is the most visible part of your dog's smile? The teeth's incisors. These are the small teeth directly in front of the upper and lower jaws. They use them to scrape at meat and groom their coats.


The canines, or "fangs," are located behind the incisors. They are a pair of long, pointed, and extremely sharp teeth on both sides. Canine teeth tear into meat and grip objects. Dogs can also show these teeth if they feel threatened or defensive, so understanding your dog's body language is critical.


Wide pre-molars, or carnassials, are located on either side of a dog's jaw on both the top and bottom. These teeth are relatively sharp because they are used for shredding and chewing. 


Flat molars are at the very back of a dog's mouth, above and below. They use these to crunch hard things like treats or kibble.

Why Dogs Lose Teeth

Aside from the transition from puppy teeth to adult teeth, it is not normal for a dog to lose teeth. If your canine friend has lost any adult teeth, schedule a dental exam and teeth cleaning with your vet.

Here are the most common reasons dogs lose their adult teeth.

  • Periodontal Disease—The most common reason dogs lose teeth is advanced dental disease. Without proper dental care—like brushing and veterinary dental cleanings—periodontal disease can lead to diseased gums and decaying teeth.
  • Trauma - Your dog's teeth can be lost due to trauma, whether it is caused by chewing something or another injury to their mouth. Some of the most common items that can lead to tooth fractures or loss are made of dense mineral or bone material. To protect your dog's teeth, avoid giving your dog things like beef or pork bones, as these can be too hard and often result in fractures and tooth damage.
  • Tooth Decay - Dogs’ teeth are prone to decay and wear and tear much faster than ours. They use their teeth to pick things up and carry and chew things. In addition, many things pass through a dog’s mouth, like slobbery toys, hair, dirt, feces, and food. All of this can take a toll on the health of their teeth. Some dogs (tiny breed dogs and greyhounds) experience tooth decay at an extraordinarily fast rate, requiring many teeth to be extracted by a vet throughout their lifetime.

How to Prevent Dogs From Losing Their Teeth

It's important to remember that by the time dogs are three years old, more than 80% will develop some type of periodontal condition, including gingivitis. Therefore, brushing your dog's teeth regularly to prevent dental disease is critical. Providing your pup with dental chews is a good idea, and you should also take them to the vet for a thorough cleaning once a year.

If you notice that your dog is having trouble chewing or if you have any concerns about their teeth or mouth, such as bad breath, it's important to talk to your vet to find the right course of action to keep their teeth and mouth healthy.

If you observe that your dog is losing teeth, has loose or wiggly teeth, or has progressively worsening breath, it's essential to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible. Even if it seems like your pet has only lost one tooth, they likely have more diseased teeth in their mouth that are causing discomfort and would benefit from removal. It's best not to delay seeing your veterinarian for a dental exam and teeth cleaning until your pet until your dog has stopped eating or displays other clear symptoms. Use some time at your pet's annual exam to discuss your dog's teeth and overall dental health before a problem arises.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your dog is losing teeth or showing signs of discomfort, please contact our Ketchum vets to schedule a dental exam and teeth cleaning.

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